
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

I was on a regular Sunday walk with my daughter and she pointed out fearlessly a spider web and started reciting... Itsy Bitsy spider Climbed up the water spout Down came the rain And washed the spider out Out came the sun And dried up all the rain And Itsy Bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again....... And I realised how Itsy the born engineer was weaving and spinning the hallmark of excellence. Perhaps weaving some key takeaways for humans. 1.        Weaving excellence is definitely not a day’s work. There will be days of sunshine and downpour, continue weaving, for it is perseverance that pays. 2.        Have faith and conviction in yourself . While weaving your dreams you may fall or you might get pulled down by people around, get up and start weaving your masterpiece, and definitely there is no looking back. 3.        Plan yourself well . A well inte...